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Communion in the new building
Christ the King Day 2003

On November 23, we celebrated Christ the King Day with an awesome communion service which concluded with communion amidst the construction of our new worship space. Click on any picture below to see a larger version of the photo.

processing out to the new building for communion   Placing the basket of pledges on the altar   Singing Amazing Grace

Communion   Altar party receiving communiong   The congregation going up to receive communion

The congregation in the new worship space   Musicians lead the singing  


he service included an opportunity for persons to make monetary pledges to the church for the coming year. The service concluded with the pledges being burned unopened,
leaving the church's financial future in God's hands.

The service was followed by a covered dish lunch     

The service was followed by a covered dish lunch in the present church building.
Thanks go to Karen Beck for these photos.


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King of Peace Episcopal Church + 6230 Laurel Island Parkway + Kingsland, Georgia 31548-2526